Saturday, 1 September 2012

Hardware Management Console Overview

What is Hardware Management Console (HMC)?

The HMC is a server or stand alone machine that provides a graphical user interface tool to manage several Power Systems. The HMC manages system through hypervisor and operating system. From version 7 it is truly web based and you can configure, installs and manage, partitioned, virtualization most of your Power5 and 6 boxes via HMC. There are many tasks you can do with HMC, such as,
  • Powering off and on of the partition
  • Configure and activate resources to the system
  • Creates and stores LPAR profiles and allocated resources to them.
  • HMC do the dynamic memory reconfiguration of the partition.
  • Setup VIO server and VIO client thru HMC and do micro-partition, create storage
    • pool and processor pool with it
    • Provide virtual console to the partition
    Most of the time we installed dual HMC for redundancy and make sure to achieve more uptime in a wide system.

    Why do I need a Hardware Management Console, anyway?

    You need a HMC if you plan to:
    – Configure and manage logical partitions and partition profiles (selected models can configure LINUX partitions without a HMC).
    – Perform DLPAR (dynamic LPAR) functions.
    – Activate and manage Capacity on Demand resources.
    You can also use the HMC to:
    – Perform service functions
    – Manage frames (towers), IOPs and IOAs. * Note that you cannot see below the IOA to the device level.
    – Manage system profiles (yes, you can have more than one!)
    – Power on and power down. The Service Processor is always hot if there is power to the server.
    – Activate and manage Virtualization Engine technologies.
    – 5250 emulation so you can get a console up on a i5/OS partition or a virtual terminal window for AIX or LINUX.

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