HMC Migration From 7.3.1 to 7.7.1 Version:
To obtain HMC 7.7.3 .iso images, do the following:
Step 1: Download the HMC Version Recovery DVDs: HMC_Recovery_V7R730_1.iso and HMC_Recovery_V7R730_2.iso .
Step 2: Burn the Recovery images to DVD-R media.
Save Profile Data, Save Upgrade Data and Upgrade HMC to 7.7.3 (from Recovery Media)
Perform a Save Profile Data for each managed system to save an additional copy of partition/profile configurations. Then, a Save Upgrade Data task must first be done to preserve information on the HMC before performing the upgrade. You must upgrade immediately after the Save Upgrade Data task. If you restart the HMC again without doing the upgrade, you must log in and run the Save Upgrade Data task again before performing the upgrade.
Do the following at the HMC interface to upgrade the HMC by means of the Recovery DVDs.
1. Expand Systems Management, then select Servers.
2. Select the first managed system by checking the box in front of the server name.
3. Under Tasks, expand Configuration, then expand Manage Partition Data.
4. Select Backup.
5. In the Profile Data Backup window, type a name for the backup file, and click OK.
6. You will get a popup window that the profile data has been backed up. Click OK.
7. Repeat Steps 1-6 for each additional system managed by this HMC. Once you have a partition data backup for each managed system, continue with Step 8.
8. Select HMC Management.
9. Select Save Upgrade Data.
10. Insert a formatted DVD-RAM media into the DVD drive.
Note: You may use the same DVD-RAM that was used to backup HMC data; any existing backup will not be overwritten. If the DVD-RAM has not been formatted previously then format it by selecting Format Media, Format DVD-RAM, then click OK. SelectBackup/restore, then click the Format button. The format operation will delete any existing data.
11. Select media type DVD, click Next, and then click Finish.
12. Wait for the Save Upgrade Data task to complete. If the task fails, contact your next level of support before proceeding. If the Save Upgrade Data task is successful, the following optional procedure can be performed to verify the data:
a Open a restricted shell terminal as follows:
1 Select HMC Management.
2 Select Open restricted Shell Terminal.
b Run the command mount /media/cdrom.
c Run the command ls –l /media/cdrom.
d Verify that there are five tar files with the following names:
If any of these tar files are missing, contact your next level of support.
e Issue the command umount /media/cdrom.
Note: The Save Upgrade Data will be saved to the hard drive on the HMC as well as the DVD-RAM. The Save Upgrade Data on the DVD-RAM is used only to recover from an unexpected error under the direction of support personnel.
13. Once the Save Upgrade Data task is successful, remove the DVD-RAM, insert V7.7.3 recovery media MH01255 volume 1 (which was either ordered from IBM or downloaded and burned to DVD as indicated above) into the DVD-RAM drive.
14. Click HMC Management, then click the Shutdown or Restart menu option.
15. Select Restart HMC and click OK. Note: If the HMC fails to restart from optical, the boot manager may need be called (in other words, press F12 during the boot process) in order to get the HMC to boot from the optical drive.
16. The HMC reads the media in the DVD-RAM drive and displays the Install/Backup/Restore wizard window. Select Upgrade, and then click Next. Note: A warning window is presented. If you successfully completed Step 5 to Save Upgrade Data, click OK and continue. If not, click OK and return to Step 5.
17. Select Upgrade from media, and then click Next.
18. Click Finish to start the Upgrade process.
19. When the first media is complete, the following options are displayed:
1 Install additional software from media
2 Finish the installation at a later date
Make your selection.
20. Select Option 1, then press the Enter key to continue the upgrade. The following prompt is displayed:
Please insert the media into the drive and press Enter to continue.
21. Remove the first DVD, insert the second V7.7.3 Recovery Media DVD into the DVD-RAM drive, and then press the Enter key to complete the Upgrade. The HMC restores the data preserved by the Save Upgrade Data task, and then completes the booting process.
22. At the Hardware Management Console log-in prompt, log in using your user ID and password.
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