Wednesday, 26 September 2012

VIOS Unix SubSystems:

Vios Unix Subsyatems :

 -The current VIOS runs on an AIX subsystem. (VIOS functionality is available for Linux. This document only deals with the AIX based versions.)

• The padmin account logs in with a restricted shell. A root shell can be obtained by the oem_setup_env command.

• The root shell is designed for installation of OEM applications and drivers only. It may be required for a small subset of commands. (The purpose of this document is to provide a listing of most frequent tasks and the proper VIOS commands so that access to a root shell is not required.)

• The restricted shell has access to common Unix utilities such as awk, grep, sed, and vi. The syntax and usage of these commands has not been changed in VIOS. (Use "ls /usr/ios/utils" to get a listing of available Unix commands.)

• Redirection to a file is not allowed using the standard ">" character, but can be accomplished with the "tee" command.

Redirect the output of ls to a file
ls | tee ls.out

Determine the underlying (AIX) OS version (for driver install)

Exit the restricted shell to a root shell

Mirror the rootvg in VIOS to hdisk1
extendvg rootvg hdisk1 
mirrorios hdisk1
›››    The VIOS will reboot when finished

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